Life is happening at me pretty hard this week, and I haven’t had enough time to devote to Page 765. As is always the case with these things, I’ll be delaying it until the next scheduled update day, so see you on Tuesday the 25th, and thank you all, as always, for your patience and understanding.
Its my drawing day this week and I’m feelin’ sick and can’t really get it together enough to, well, draw this week’s pages. Or rather, draw it to the usual standard of quality. You know how it is. As such I’m going to be pushing Page 750 and 751 back to next week, so normal updates will resume on Tuesday, July 31st. I apologize for the delay and thank you, as always, for your patience.
Life is happening at me pretty hard this week, and I’m feeling under the weather. As such, to ensure the best possible page quality I’m going to push Page 740 back to Tuesday, June 19th. Thank you as always for your patience and understanding and see you then!
BSF updates resume tomorrow, May 8th. Thank you for your patience! I know I could let the comic posts speak for themselves but I’m kind of tired of the most recent blog post for like a year always being about how I need to delay pages or take some time off. I figured it would be better if the most recent blog post for the next year was about how updates are resuming, instead. Makes sense, right?
Life has been happening at me pretty hard for the last month or so and I’m beat. I need to take a break to focus on other stuff for a little bit. Comic updates will resume on May 8th, 2018. Thank you as always for your patience and understanding!