Comments got disabled, somehow, on the last few (several?) pages. I don’t know why, I guess it was some plugin I installed or something.
I fixed it. So you can comment again. Sorry about that.
… This week especially, which is why there’s only going to be one page this week, and unlike previous one-page weeks, I’m going to post it on Wednesday, December 24th. The schedule will be back on track on Tuesday the 30th, which also means there will be a page on January 1st, 2015, and so on, and so forth.
Thank you for understanding and as always thank you for reading! See you Wednesday and have a wonderful holiday!
Life is Happening at me again today! The page is inked, but I’m not going to be able to finish coloring it until tomorrow. So it will either be posted Thursday afternoon or Friday morning. See you then!
So, I moved!
Actually, I’m still in the process of moving, and have been over the past month or so, which is why I’ve been unable to update a couple times. I’m mostly fully at the new place now, and my workstation is mostly set up, but there’s still a lot to do and a ton of stuff to unpack. I don’t want to leave you all hanging, though, so in order to actually collect the fragments of my life that are scattered around in boxes in my new apartment but still update, I’m going to only post one page this week, on Thursday the 25th. After that, we will actually, for the realest of reals, be back to a 2-pages per week schedule consistently. I don’t have anything else on my calendar that would interfere. I checked.
So I will return from the jungle of boxes and bins on Thursday to post a new page. See you then, and thank you as always for your patience!
Lots of stuff is going on this week, and I’m not going to be able to post any pages. Next week is good, though, so I’ll be posting the next page on September 9th! After that, normal updates should resume. I’m sorry this summer has been kind of crazy, and I intend to make up for it with cool stuff as we wrap up 2014. Thanks as always for reading and understanding, and see you on the 9th!